Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Griswold may take ownership of Jewett City fire station

Jan 15, 2008 @ 03:05 AM
Norwich Bulletin

The leaders of the Borough of Jewett City want to turn over ownership of the fire station to the Town of Griswold.
Griswold has two fire stations; one is in Jewett City and needs work. If the town, which already owns the trucks and equipment at the station, assumes ownership of the building, it will have to maintain it for the long term.

Borough Warden Cynthia Kata said the borough has $11,000 in an account for the building, and once that's gone, there's nothing left.

The station needs the furnace fixed or replaced, an oil tank removed from the ground and blacktop resealed. Kata said the borough will make all repairs before the transfer.

"I'm not trying to pawn off my junk on them," she said.

Alan Geer, burgess from Jewett City, said the town owns the equipment and trucks, so it makes sense for it to own the building. The arrangement where the town owns the trucks while the borough owns the building was made years ago.
"We're paying to heat the building that the town's equipment is in," he said.

Selectman Steve Mikutel said the borough always has budgeted frugally and doesn't have the tax base the town has.
"They have the money to cover this issue of a new furnace, so that issue is going away," Mikutel said. "But I'm sure there are going to be other long-term issues."
He said the building is structurally sound and should not be a financial drain on the town.

First Selectman Philip Anthony said maintenance and repair costs, and the will of town residents will be the major considerations as to whether the board accepts ownership of the station.

Griswold resident Leo Bordeleau said he doesn't like the idea.

"We pay enough taxes as it is," he said. "Let the borough do it."

He said Jewett City wants to consolidate costs without giving up its government independence.
"It's like having your cake and eating it, too," he said.

To complete any transaction, the borough must call a meeting of registered voters in Jewett City to vote on whether to give the property to the town, Mikutel said.

Reach Deborah Straszheim at 425-4221 or dstraszheim@norwichbulletin.com

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